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Crucified Before the Foundation of the World

"Crucified before the foundation of the world." What does that mean? How could that even happen? Historians and archaeologists ta...

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lent 2016--Day Thirty-Four


John 18 and 21
By Gayle Haynes

Charcoal on the embers made a warming fire;
Bitter smoke swirled up and burned my nose.
"You were with Him," a servant said three times
"He had friends and you were one of those."
What threat could my love of Him now pose?

"Not I," I said, and stepped back in the dark.
I could not speak or witness of his power.
Danger was everywhere; when the soldiers came,
I took a sword to defend him in that hour.
What recompense to pay if now I cower?

Suddenly the cock crowed twice and my heart froze.
His words came back with bitter taste and tears.
"You will deny me, I who washed your feet."
He knew my weakness; the knowledge burns and sears.
What judgment waits for me in future years?
Again, beside a charcoal fire, agony was ripe.
“Do you love me more than these?” he said.
Now my fear was of a different type
For He asked me to follow where he led.
How could His amazing love swallow all my dread?

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